Repurpose Your Flowers
The joy of receiving a bouquet of flowers or just simply having them around you is unexplainable. However, do you ever feel that pinch of guilt or a waste of money whenever you’ve to throw them away when they start to wither and wilt?
Fortunately, there are a myriad of ways to put those wilting and dead flowers to use – think decorations, gifts or just for aesthetic purposes!
Here are a few ideas to repurpose your flowers.
Love to spice up your space with a rustic and vintage touch? Gather a bunch of flowers, bundle them together and simply air-dry your flowers by hanging them upside down. Always hang them in well-ventilated areas for better drying. In no time, you’ll get beautiful dried flowers to spruce up your place!
Tip: You can place them in a vase, do an arrangement or simply just leave them hanging.
Source: Design Sponge
Yes, there are boundless numbers of ideas you can use for your pressed flowers- Frame them, create cards, iPhone casing or just be your own artist. You can refer to our previous post on how to DIY pressed flowers.
Another use for dried flowers is to make Potpourri. They give out an amazing scent and can look just as beautiful as blooms. Simply just throw in a few herbs or citrus fruits, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and let them dry in the oven. Place them in a pot or bag and you’re good to go!
Tip: Roses are good for making potpourri due to their heavily scented nature.
Source: Adventures In Making
Adding flowers into candles are also a good way to preserve them. All you have to do is to use melted candle wax to coat any existing candle you fancy, place the pressed flower of your choice onto the candle and paint a few more coats of wax over it. This is a great gift to add that personal touch.
Source: Bluenotes/Deviantart
That’s right, flowers can also be used in nail art! This would be more applicable for smaller blooms. Press the blooms in between a book over night and leave it to dry. Paint your nails with a light base color and once its partially dry; gently stick the blooms or foliage onto the nail and let it dry completely. Once you’re done, seal the whole nail using a transparent topcoat and violaaa! You’ve got yourself a set of beautiful nail art that is inexpensive but yet personal.
These are just a few ideas you can do to preserve your flowers for keepsake! Don’t limit yourself to just these options! Go out and explore what you can do to reuse them! Let’s not let any flowers go to waste from now on and share these tips with your friends and loved ones.